CINEFRANCE is a French film and theater production company.
The website aims to provide information about all the activities of the company.
Continuing to browse this site constitutes acceptance without reservation of the following provisions and conditions of use.
The current online version of these terms of use is the only one applicable during the entire use of the site and until a new version replaces it.
Article 1 - Legal Information
Publishing Company:
CINEFRANCE STUDIOS – SAS with a capital of 1,550,000 euros, whose registered office is located at 18, rue Jean-Baptiste Pigalle 75009 PARIS, RCS 840 357 735, SIREN number 840 357 735.
Telephone number: +33 (0)1 40 03 56 10
Email address:
Website creation and design:
Création: ByBenoitEmail: – Tel: 01 42 77 42 67
Web Design: La Compagnie Créative 16 rue Abel 75012 Paris – SARL registered with the RCS Paris B 399 547 108 with a capital of € 7,622.45 – Email: lccdigitale[at] – Tel .: 01 40 54 91 31
Host: OVH SAS is a subsidiary of the company OVH Groupe SAS with a capital of 10,069,020 € – APE code 2620Z, company registered with the RCS of Lille under the number 537 407 926 located at 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix. Contact:
Article 2 - Access to the site
You agree not to use this site and the information or data contained therein for commercial, political, advertising purposes, and for any form of commercial solicitation and in particular the sending of unsolicited emails. The site is the exclusive property of the company CINEFRANCE STUDIOS. In case of non-compliance with the provisions of this Charter by the Internet user, his civil or criminal liability could be engaged.
Article 3 - Intellectual Property
Any Internet user undertakes not to use them and not to allow anyone to use these contents for illegal purposes. Any representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, permanent or temporary, on a computer and/or paper support, and by any means whatsoever (including framing), of one or other of the elements of the site, without the prior and express agreement of the company CINEFRANCE STUDIOS is prohibited, and constitutes an act of counterfeiting, which may lead to civil and/or criminal convictions. Only paper printing is authorized for the purposes of private copying for the exclusive use of the copier within the meaning of article L122-5 2° of the Intellectual Property Code.
No hyperlink to the site may be installed without the prior and express agreement of the company CINEFRANCE STUDIOS.
The action of capturing the content of pages of a website to transfer it to its own website via a hyperlink, making said content appear as its own.
For any information request, you can contact us via the online form by clicking here.
error: Les coulisses du cinéma sont fascinantes, mais ici, elles restent en arrière-plan. Plongez dans nos œuvres, et laissez la magie opérer sur le grand écran. Pour toute question ou collaboration, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter directement.